Arbon - Lang thang chiều chủ nhật

Chiều chủ nhật đi lang thang ở vùng Arbon thơ mộng.

Khung cảnh bình yên là nơi lý tưởng để mẹ thiên nga ấp trứng.

Nghỉ chân và thưởng thức cây kem vĩ đại.

Hồn nhiên câu cá.

Và hồn nhiên uông nước.

Hội An - An ancient ville


Lâu lắm rồi không viết blog về sự chán chường mãn tính của minh.
Ở đây sống 1 mình buồn hơn con chuồn chuồn. Bạn bè ở xa, đồng nghiệp lạ, chẳng có ai để chia sẻ. Chán lắm :(
Không có mấy người đồng cảm được với mình, chỉ có những cậu đồng nghiệp lạ đời :( Có mỗi 1 vài trò cười mà cười với đùa mãi, chán :( Con gái phụ nữ như mình chả hưởng ứng được kiểu tiếu lâm hâm hấp đấy, thế là lại còn chán hơn :( Tối về ngồi thù lù 1 mình ngó nghiêng mãi cũng chỉ có 4 bức tường, hết xem phim lại nghe nhạc rồi đọc truyện. Buồn mớ đời :(

My new love

I think by now, everybody who knows me knows that I am a big fan of mobiles and other kinds of fancy electro stuffs (e.g. digi-cameras, computers, TV, etc). And as such, I am quite in love with the new Sony Ericsson Satio (also known as Sony Idou). The new beauty is equiped with no less than a 12MP camera, 3G technology and a virtual QWERTY keyboard.
Since I recently purchased the ancestor called Sony Xperia 1, I am pretty glad that Satio's release will not be until the fourth quartal of this year. So I have a bit time to gather the money :)) And when the time has come, I will make Satio a gift on my 2xth birthday. Until then, stay tuned!

Satio comes with a fancy pen

in 3 stylish colors

A broad touchscreen

A virtual QWERTY keyboard

and super trendy round edges.


I have been home this week-end. To cheer up my spirit I took my Lumix LX3 and wandered around our big beautiful garden where the roses are gleaming competitively. Eventhough we have already spent great sums of money on purchasing flowers, the garden still seems so empty that we cannot help but to wonder whether it is eating up all those flowers! But I guess that's just the bad side of having a big big garden. You never seem to have bought enough flowers to make it look properly filled.
Yesterday, when I was traveling home, I once more experienced the awful service of the German Reailway. Not only that the train was running an hour late causing me to miss my connecting train to Trier which again caused me another waiting hour at the Saarbrücken centre station, that man at the service-point was impertinent enough to tell me that the delay was none of his business! I was so mad, I literally pictured myself strangling that ignorant jerk with my bare hands. Well, I did nothing of the like, but I did inform him about my decision to report his incompetence. And of course, he was no longer very fond of me. In deed, from his hateful glare I could swear that he was strangling me in his mind.

Anyway, the day after that I enjoyed the sunny weather and the flowers.

Places I have visited...

  1. Hanoi, Vietnam
  2. Hongkong, China
  3. Trier, Germany

About Me

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On the pursuit of happyness, will you come with me? Do you hope for another happy day just like I do?