How to write a Dissertation?

Now I am sitting here and brooding and ain't smarter than before... This sounds pretty much like Göthers Faust drama in which professor Faust moans about him having studied for decades of his life and still believes to know nothing.
I am suffering the same feelings right now. I have spent 3 years of my precious youth researching, developing and promoting a Tool. Now that the time has come for me to immortalize and eternize my work in a dissertation, I cannot even come up with so much as a simple structure for the thesis! My goal is to keep the work as simple and little but qualitative as possible! But until now, not a single useful idea about how to achieve this goal has occured to me. And the more time I spend brooding on it the more stressed I feel. Eventhough I know that eventually I will come up with a solution I could live with, the thought does not provide much comforts. In addition, I am in doubt if the work I have been doing in the last three years is worth a doctoral degree.
The whole disordered dissertation process I have run through and the entire lies and deception I have witnessed in these years of academical life have literally scared me for the rest of my life. Till the day I leave this world, I vow to never again consider an academical career.

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