Time to say... get back to work

Almost 3 years has gone by since my first day at this institut. A lot of things has changed. And it is really scarry how much life around here can make you change. Just take my fellow research associates A and B for example, they have turned from cheerful and optimistic champions of justice into cynical, silent and indifferent dwarf-haters. And although I feel sorry for them, I can not help but to think what would have been if they haven't changed that way? Maybe it was their way to survive the stress, the misery and the private-life-killer that we call "work".
Just yesterday we received a note from our professor and ultimate ruler informing us that the youngest colleague X has hand in his resignation after 8 painful months of "work". My fellow office-mate was quite shocked, so was I. I wonder if "they" have tried to make him stay. But it does not matter now, anyway. Now the resignation is officially announced, there is no way of withdrawing it, at least I think so. I guess the poor boy was not up to the long endless hours of work, the mean never satisfied bosses and the disoriented way of research. Plus, he was not very eager to make friends either... maybe if he has some (close) friends here, life would not have been so terrible... But just maybe... we will never know. I wish I could go over to him and talk to him, asking him what the reasons were for this step?
As for me, I try to stay out of trouble and to avoid work-overloading by keeping myself as invisible as I can. It is my believe that if I do not meet the wrong person at the wrong place at a bad time, there is no reason for others to think of me when there are works to be done! This sounds pretty much like "there is a very lazy person". Yes, I am very lazy, I do not like to be burdened with works that have nothing to do with me nor my rightfully assigned project.
Anyway, there is no time to delve into such things, as I have quite a lot of garbage to carry around , too, like my dissertation! I still cannot raise any motivation to start writing, though I know it is really time for me!!! Oh my goose, give me some strength to finish what I have started... 3 years ago.

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Places I have visited...

  1. Hanoi, Vietnam
  2. Hongkong, China
  3. Trier, Germany

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On the pursuit of happyness, will you come with me? Do you hope for another happy day just like I do?